Depression Therapy

Depression Therapy

Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people around the world. It can be debilitating, making it difficult to work, socialize, and take care of one’s basic self-care. While there are many different types of therapy available to treat depression, finding the one right for you is vital. Speak to a therapist to find out more about building a depression treatment plan today or continue reading to learn more.

Our Depression Therapist:
Dr. Angela Dover, PhD
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Melanae Soos, LSW
Social Worker
Cyrene Kafer
Cyrene Kafer, LPC
Dustin Vacha, LPCC-S 
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Abby Moore, LSW
Social Worker
Jessica Holland, LPCC-S

What is depression?

Depression is a medical condition that affects your mood and ability to function. Symptoms of clinical depression include feeling sad, low or worthless most days for at least two weeks. Depression can get worse and last longer if not treated. Severe cases can lead to self-harm or death. Treatments for depression can be very effective. There are many different treatments available

What are the different types of depression?

There are many different types of depression therapy, and the type that is right for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Some common types of therapy include cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Contact to your doctor or mental health professional to get help finding the right type of therapy for you.

Severe Depression Disorder

Major Depression Disorder is a serious mental illness that can have a profound effect on every aspect of a person’s life. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness; loss of interest in activities that were once enjoyed; fatigue and decreased energy; difficulty concentrating; changes in appetite and sleep patterns; and thoughts of death or suicide. While there is no single cause of severe depression, it is often triggered by a combination of factors, including genetic predisposition, brain chemistry, and stressful life events. Treatment typically involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy.

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) is a form of depression that lasts for at least two years. It is characterized by a depressed mood that is present for most of the day, for more days than not, and by a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that were once enjoyed. People with PDD may also experience other symptoms, such as fatigue, changes in appetite or weight, insomnia or hypersomnia, feelings of excessive guilt, and difficulty concentrating. Because PDD can have a significant impact on quality of life and can be disabling, it’s important to consult with a therapist if you or a loved one are struggling with PDD or any form of depression.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at the same time each year. It is usually during the fall and winter months when there is less natural sunlight. The lack of sunlight may cause a chemical change in the brain that leads to SAD. Symptoms include feeling depressed most of the day, having low energy, trouble sleeping, and craving carbohydrates. Treatment for SAD may include light therapy, medication, and counseling.

Symptoms and Causes of Depression

Symptoms of Depression

There are many symptoms of depression, and they vary from person to person. Some common symptoms include feeling sad or empty most of the time, losing interest in activities that used to be enjoyable, sleeping too much or too little, having difficulty concentrating, feeling worthless or guilty, and thoughts of death or suicide. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to talk to a doctor or mental health professional.

Causes of Depression

1. Biological causes:

Changes in hormones during different periods of time may increase a person’s risk for depression.

2. Family History:

A person’s family history may also contribute to their risk for depression. You are at a higher risk for developing depression if you have a family history of depression or another mood disorder.

3. Childhood Trauma:

Early childhood trauma can affect how your body reacts to stress and fear, and may lead to depressive symptoms later on. The brain structure of people with depression is different than that of people without depression, but scientists don’t know why this is the case.

4. Substance Abuse:

People who are at risk for developing depression include those who have a history of substance or alcohol misuse, and people who feel emotional or chronic physical pain.

5. Chronic or Terminally Ill Patients:

People with chronic illness are also at risk for developing depression, due to the combination of pain and the accompanying stress.”

Speak To A Therapist

Getting the help you deserve doent need to be difficult. Schdule a call with a depression therapist to learn how we can help you build a plan that works for you.

Types Of Depression Therapy

There are many different types of depression therapy, and the type that is right for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Some common types of therapy include cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and psychodynamic therapy. Contact to your doctor or mental health professional to get help finding the right type of therapy for you.

Cognitive-behavioral Depression Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that helps patients with depression change their negative thinking and behavior patterns. CBT depression therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected, and that negative thoughts and behaviors can trap us in a cycle of depression. At Innovative Counseling, our CBT therapists help patients identify and change these negative thoughts and behaviors using a holistic approach to depression therapy.

Interpersonal Depression Therapy

Interpersonal depression therapy is a type of behavioral therapy that focuses on helping patients improve communication and their relationships as a way to treat depression. The therapist works with the individual to identify and change negative patterns of interaction with others. This can involve learning new communication and problem-solving skills, as well as exploring how past relationships may be affecting current ones. Interpersonal therapy is typically short-term, lasting approximately 12-16 weeks, and has been shown to be extremely effective in treating depression.

Psychodynamic Depression Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping people understand the unconscious factors that contribute to their behavior. This type of therapy can be helpful for people who are struggling with depression. In psychodynamic therapy, patients will work with a therapist to explore their past experiences and relationships. This can help them to understand how these past experiences have influenced their current behavior, and how they can use these experiences to cope with depression.

Getting Help With Depression

Identify the signs and symptoms of depression

The most common symptoms of depression include a persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood, feelings of hopelessness or pessimism, irritability, frustration or restlessness, difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions, decreased energy, fatigue, and being “slowed down.” Remember depression is a mood disorder, and may appear in other symptoms that may include changes in appetite, and even unplanned weight changes.

Adjust your lifestyle

There are many things that you can do to start depression treatment your self and it starts with you. Some things that can help with depression include:

1. Getting regular exercise

2. Eating a healthy diet

3. Reducing stress

4. Getting enough sleep

5. Participate In activities that make you happy

Self Help Tips To Manage Depression

1. Try to simplify your life and set achievable goals.

2. Write in a journal to express your emotions and find relief.

3. Find helpful groups or read self-help books to improve your mood.

4. Get together with friends and family regularly to stay connected and have support.

5. Learn ways to relax and manage your stress.

6. Organize your time and stay focused by making a list of tasks, using sticky notes or a planner, and avoiding decision-making when you are down

Seeking professional help

Depression is a serious mental illness that can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life. If you or a loved on is struggling with depression, it is important firstly seek help from your primary care provider.

There are many reasons why you might need to seek professional help for depression. Maybe you are feeling hopeless, and you don’t see any way out. Perhaps your depression is impacting your work or school performance, or causing problems in your relationships.

Whatever the reason, it is important to find a provider and get help.

Depression is difficult to overcome on your own, and professional help can make all the difference.

Connecting with a therapist can provide support and guidance as you work through your depression, and they can also offer coping and problem-solving strategies to help prevent depression.

If you are struggling with depression, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Talk to your doctor and connect with our team to learn about how we can help you find a brighter happier roads.

How do I get help for someone with depression?

1. Support: Offer support, understanding, patience, and encouragement to your loved one.

2. Treatment plan: Help your loved one stick to their treatment plan, such as setting reminders to take prescribed medications.

3. Suicide: Take comments about suicide seriously, call 911 immediately and report them to your loved one’s health care provider or therapist.

4. Distress: If you see someone in distress, call 911 immediately.

What To Expect

Regain Control withDepression Therapy

Live with depression is difficult its time to regain control and start living life on your terms. Speak with one of our depression therapists in Ohio to learn how innovative counseling can help you find a happier healthier you.

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Reach out and get connected with a depression counselor that can help you overcome roadblocks, reach your goals, and rediscover what makes you uniquely you.

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You are one step closer to finding that spark, or building the relationship that changes everything, start the conversation, and together we'll build a stronger more innovative you. 

Step1: Tell Us About Yourself
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Step 2: Discover How We Can Help
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It's finally time to get the help you deserve. Get started by scheduling a time with one of our therapists and start your mental health journey.

Group therapy sessions now being offered for a variety of needs.

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